Computer AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract)

Being in the service industry, we all knows that how much precious is our time or a computer executives’ time. So why not associating with a good IT professional company to resolve your day-to-day technical problems? We are very much flexible in time to reach you and handle the issue because we know your world. Considering all these criteria we have included all necessary features in corporate AMC Services and it is in high priority list.

Service Features

  • Unlimited door step visits
  • Certified Hardware & Software engineers
  • 100% Resolution guaranteed
  • Support for all brands. Dell, HP, HCL, ACER, SAMSUNG, LG, Microsoft etc.
  • FREE Remote Support included
  • Quarterly System Performance Checking
  • Onsite support
  • Virus and malware removal / Firewall Support
  • Internet Support / Security Support
  • Computer repair and diagnostics
  • Email setup
  • Windows troubleshooting
  • Speed up a slow computer